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JULY 13-17, 2020
9-12 PM (PST)

JULY 13-17, 2020
9-12 PM (PST)
We invite you to join us for our 7th Annual Science In The City Summer Camp. This camp is an opportunity to give underrepresented students of color (African American/Black, Chicano/Latino/LatinX, Indigenous/Native American, and Pacific Islander) access to traditional STEM at an early age. This camp is offered through a collaboration between Stanford University's Graduate School of Education, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and The Social Engineering Project, Inc.
The Social Engineering Project, Inc. ("TSEP") is an Oakland based, social impact venture with Stanford University designed to address the lack of diversity in the tech industry through pipeline programs for underrepresented studnets of color. TSEP seeks to impact the world by making students fall in love with science. This camp is designed for incoming 5th and 6th graders students only. During our one week session, students will learn Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Engineering. Science In The City requires young people to think hard, ask questions, and to generate powerful explanations about science. The power of getting young people involved in science and allowing them to experience success at an early age removes any doubt that science is for our children.
Some highlights to this year's curriculum:
Interviewing knowledgeable scientists on the fascinating projects that they are working on;
Investigating real life problems in our community, such as lead contamination (Flint & Oakland), and how it impacts our bodies, weather and the environment, what scientists are doing to stop the spread of COVID-19, etc. and what can be done to solve them;
How science, chemistry, and physics impact the students in their daily lives and why mastering this knowledge is important; and
The importance of personal branding, working in groups, networking, and how they can leverage their networks in the future.
​Please consider joining us for this year's camp. Check out a previous year's coverage on KTVU Channel 2. Spaces are limited, so sign up today! Scholarships are available, however, we strongly recommend that you take the time to thoroughly complete the application. This year's camp enrollment will be competitive.
The Basic Details
The Science in The City Camp is a day camp. Instruction begins at 9am. Students will need reliable WiFi, a computer or tablet to watch videos and listen to the lectures, and an adult available to assist during labs.
Here is the Registration link You must register first and pay the $350 tuition via PayPal. Hardship scholarships are also available on the link but must be completed entirely to be considered on a first come, first serve basis. This year will be competitive so please make sure your children fill out the applications thoroughly. Thanks.
Please visit for more information and email if you have any questions.
DEADLINE TO APPLY has been extended from JUNE 1, 2020 to June 15, 2020
9-10:00 AM
10-11 AM
11-12 PM

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